Covid-19 Forced More Americans to Juggle Working From Home and Child Care – The Wall Street Journal - Freelance Prospector


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sábado, 24 de julio de 2021

Covid-19 Forced More Americans to Juggle Working From Home and Child Care – The Wall Street Journal

Percentage of

employed parents

working while also

engaged in child care

The share of parents

working while also

taking care of kids nearly

tripled from 2019.

Percentage of

employed parents

working while also

engaged in child care

The share of parents

working while also

taking care of kids

nearly tripled

from 2019.

Percentage of

employed parents

working while also

engaged in child care

The share of parents

working while also

taking care of kids

nearly tripled

from 2019.

The Covid-19 pandemic required more Americans to work from home, but it also meant more workers were multitasking, doing their jobs while taking care of their families.

Data from the American Time Use Survey, released Thursday from the Labor Department, reveal that the percentage of employed people working from home nearly doubled in 2020, to 42%, from 22% in 2019.

Percentage of

employed people

working at home

at each point in the day

Work from home was

most common in the

morning hours.

Overall, the percentage

of people working from

home nearly doubled in 2020.

Percentage of

employed people

working at home

at each point in the day

Work from

home was most

common in the

morning hours.

Overall, the


of people

working from

home nearly

doubled in 2020.

Percentage of

employed people

working at home at

each point in the day

Work from

home was most

common in the

morning hours.

Overall, the


of people

working from

home nearly

doubled in 2020.

The pandemic didn’t just disrupt work life. It also temporarily halted the time-use survey. Data collection was suspended from mid March to early May. For that reason, the data here are for May 10 through Dec. 31 of each year.

But the survey reveals the extent to which working parents, particularly women, juggled their jobs and child care simultaneously. At any one 15-minute interval in the afternoon, roughly 12% of employed women with children reported working while also taking care of their children. (Time spent both working and doing child care is for respondents reporting all of a period working was caring for a child 13 years old or younger.)

About 6% worked while

watching kids in the morning,

compared with less than 1% in 2019.

They were 10 times more

likely to work in the evening

while watching kids.

Afternoons saw a

nearly fourfold increase in

women working while watching children.

They were less likely

to juggle work and

childcare in the evenings.

About 6% worked

while watching kids

in the morning,

compared with less

than 1% in 2019.

They were 10 times

more likely to work

in the evening while

watching kids.

Afternoons saw a

nearly fourfold

increase in women

working while

watching children.

They were less

likely to juggle work

and childcare in

the evenings.

About 6% worked

while watching kids

in the morning,

compared with less

than 1% in 2019.

They were 10 times

more likely to work

in the evening while

watching kids.

Afternoons saw a

nearly fourfold

increase in women

working while

watching children.

They were less

likely to juggle

work and childcare

in the evenings.

Remarkably, working hours overall changed little during the pandemic, with workers reporting similar hours to 2019.

Percentage of

employed people

working at each

point in the day

At 10:45 a.m., about

67% of employed

people were working.

During 2020, working

hours only slightly

shifted earlier in the day.

Percentage of

employed people

working at each

point in the day

At 10:45 a.m.,

about 67% of

employed people

were working.

During 2020,

working hours only

slightly shifted earlier

in the day.

Percentage of

employed people

working at each

point in the day

At 10:45 a.m.,

about 67% of

employed people

were working.

During 2020,

working hours

only slightly shifted

earlier in the day.

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