How to Promote Yourself As a Freelancer Without Burning Out – Business Insider - Freelance Prospector


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jueves, 19 de agosto de 2021

How to Promote Yourself As a Freelancer Without Burning Out – Business Insider

  • Promoting yourself online is often the best way for freelancers to find clients and make money.
  • But it can come with a heavy mental toll — we asked freelancers how they balance the stress.
  • They said to think of yourself as a social-media manager and be honest about your embarrassment.

When I was a 19-year-old wannabe journalist, I attended a roundtable discussion at my university about what the 21st century reporter looked like. One of the lecturers asked the small group of students a seemingly simple question: “What are you?” 

We all took turns to answer individually. “Student journalist!” “Aspiring producer!” “Photographer!” “Entrepreneur!”

“Wrong,” the lecturer said. “You’re all businesses.” 

I’m 27 now, and I think about this statement a lot as a freelance writer. 

I didn’t agree back then that I, a living breathing human being, could be a business. But in many ways today I am. I sell goods and services at a competitive rate to well-paying customers. And I also market myself as one. 

But that’s always been the tricky bit: Self-promotion has always made me feel icky, like I’m begging people to pay attention to me, hire me, read my writing, and give me money

It’s especially torturous having to promote myself on social media in an attempt to build a following and attract potential clients. I have to be personable yet professional, which can often feel like a performance. 

But I don’t have a choice — not really, anyway. If I didn’t self-promote, I wouldn’t make any money. No one would know I exist. And no one would know I’m open to work. 

Marketing myself as a business has also come with its own mental toll. One person can’t take on the role of an entire business without becoming very, very tired. 

And I am. And so are many other freelancers. It’s exhausting to put yourself out there over and over again and be subjected to some of the cruelest corners of the internet. 

Coupled with a pandemic — and compounded by the revolving-door feeling of burnout — I have to wonder: Can it be made easier? 

The short answer? Yes. But it requires freelancers to be honest with themselves about what they hope to achieve with self-promotion, understand who they’re trying to attract, and create boundaries for when it becomes overwhelming. 

“Marketing is part of the job,” Matthew Fenton, consultant and founder of Winning Solo, which offers coaching to freelancers, said. “Get very good at the work, and get very good at the things that bring you the work. If you do just those two things, you’re going to do just fine.” 

Be honest about your embarrassment

When Ed Zitron got COVID-19 last year, he decided he wanted to write more. So he revived his Substack, Where’s Your Ed At, where he’s recently focused on the topic of remote work. 

That’s the precise moment when Zitron, who works in media relations but has a background in journalism, came face-to-face with a unique predicament: If he wanted people to read his newsletter, he’d have to share it — no matter how much it made his stomach churn.

“Promoting yourself means you have to be constantly willing to put yourself out there,” he said. “And I’ve definitely had to fight my other instinct of being too embarrassed to ask friends for retweets and having to be judicious in who I ask and how often I ask.”

“My whole technique is just to be honest with the embarrassment and not feel bad about it,” he added.

His approach to “honesty” as a tool for marketing himself worked out well. Since the beginning of this year, his newsletter has grown from less than 400 subscribers to over 3,000. 

“I enjoy people reading my stuff and saying I’m smart. I think every writer does, and anyone who says they don’t is a flipping liar,” Zitron said. “And the happy accident of this is there is a branding to it and helps people find me, but also it legitimizes me and separates me on some level from being just a PR person.” 

Focus on one or 2 main platforms

Toronto-based digital marketer Janine Maral recently took her part-time freelancing business full time last November. 

For six months, she consistently posted on Instagram, creating short-form videos on Reels with tips on how to market a creative business, and introduced herself and her expertise in niche Facebook groups to attract entrepreneurs in need of brand strategy consulting. 

Then, she hit a wall, and decided to stop promoting herself for the foreseeable future. 

“It felt like I was putting a ton of time into content that wasn’t going to matter in five minutes,” she said. “You think you are posting consistently enough and spending enough time on one post, but it doesn’t matter because the algorithm has control.”

The mental stress of “having” to post and send many “cold DMs” on all platforms to attract clients made Maral feel burnt out fast. So she refocused the energy she would’ve spent marketing herself and took on more “task-relief” work for her clients. 

“With freelancing, there is already so much stress and pressure because of the inconsistency with income and lack of job security,” Maral said. “Self-promotion means making sure you are standing out in a crowd of people in a saturated social-media algorithm. You want to make sure you are coming across so people like you because your freelance work relies on who you are.” 

Maral knows she can’t go forever without using social media to market herself, so now she’s planning her return. She said instead of trying to juggle every platform, she’s planning on only utilizing one: Instagram. That’s where she feels she can cast the widest net for the creative-type work she hopes to attract. 

“Being on all platforms is not the best strategy for your audience or the work you’re trying to gain,” she said. “Your potential clients aren’t going to be on every platform.” 

See yourself as your own manager

A few weeks ago, Abby Lee Hood was “spiraling” after someone online called them a “grifter” for promoting their newsletter, Bitchin’ Pitchin‘, which offers free pitching advice and resources for freelance writers. 

“My newsletter is the thing I promote the most because I really need those Patreon dollars,” Hood said. “That’s really valuable income for me, and I feel like it does provide a service — I’m giving something back. So that comment was really hurtful.” 

Entrepreneurial journalists like Hood, who write for various outlets and publish a newsletter of their own, have become increasingly common in the media industry as jobs dwindle due to mass layoffs and freelancing becomes more of the norm. Promoting both themselves and their product online, however, has always been somewhat “frustrating,” Hood said. 

However, as a former social-media manager, Hood knew what they had to do to make the promotional side of the job easier and shake off unkind comments quicker.

“Hire yourself as your own social-media manager and take that job seriously,” Hood said. “When you feel like you’re running things professionally and you’re doing it with a purpose, you start to understand that this is the way it is, and it becomes less about your ego.” 

A few of the ways Hood was able to remove some of the “shame” they felt about self-promotion was to stop using social media recreationally, know what their promotional priorities were, and schedule out content ahead of time using apps like TweetDeck and Hootsuite. 

Fenton, the freelance coach, recommended “soloists” spend 20% of their time marketing — in the early days, that might be as much as 80%. 

“You need to spend time letting people know who you are, because while you might have a fantastic referral base and network that loves you, at some point that’s going to dry up,” he said. “So you have to keep putting yourself in front of new people.”

Avoid using social media as a megaphone

Social media isn’t the only tool for self-promotion for freelancers, but it’s the most popular and easiest to use for those who are just getting started. For freelancers trying to make an impact and gather more business, Fenton recommended using social media as a chatroom as opposed to a soapbox. 

“You don’t want to use social media as a megaphone, it’s not a one-way conversation,” Fenton said. “You want to interact with others, you want to share interesting things, you want to make jokes. And on days where I don’t feel like I can contribute meaningfully, I step away.”

This is advice freelance writer Britany Robinson also follows. She believes “there’s a stage fright associated with hitting send” and a feeling of vulnerability that comes with the pressure of marketing oneself as an independent. Robinson believes creating a boundary between yourself and being always on is the first step in acknowledging there’s not an “obligation” to always be present online as a freelancer.

“The pressure to always self-promote, on top of the mental fatigue of the pandemic, made it hard to be consistent and to do the promotion we are supposed to do,” she said. “There’s a fear that if you aren’t consistent, people will forget about you, but that’s not true. Show up when you have something to say, instead of burning out just to be there.” 

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