In the War Over Work From Home, WFH Is Winning – Business Insider - Freelance Prospector


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miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2021

In the War Over Work From Home, WFH Is Winning – Business Insider

A few months ago, as COVID-19 restrictions began to ease, many companies ordered their employees to return to the office. Never mind that millions of Americans had grown accustomed to the freedom and flexibility of working from home. The worst of the pandemic appeared to be over, and corporate executives wanted to see people back at their desks. For many employees, it appeared, working from home would no longer be an option.

“People don’t like commuting, but so what?” JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon said in May. Remote work, he quipped, “doesn’t work for those who want to hustle.” The bank had faced internal blowback over its plans — Dimon himself apparently received “a nasty note” from somebody’s wife — but the CEO didn’t seem too concerned. “That’s life,” he said. “It’s got to work for the clients. It’s not about whether it works for me.”

Workplaces aren’t democracies. At the time, I expected companies that took this kind of hard-line stance to stick to their guns. After all, HR departments had extensively surveyed workers on their ideal post-COVID arrangements, which were all over the place. Executives had to know that any mandatory return-to-the-office policy would prove controversial.

But almost overnight, employees began quitting their jobs in record numbers. Emboldened by the red-hot job market, Americans felt free to shop for flexible work arrangements that better suited their needs. Threatened by a full-blown exodus, executives suddenly realized they could no longer afford to ignore the uproar over working from home.

Amazon backtracked on its “office-centric” plan, agreeing to give employees two optional days a week to work from home. Google and Uber, which initially said they would mandate at least three days a week in the office, scrambled to offer more flexibility. Facebook expanded remote-work eligibility to all its employees, including those early in their careers. And just last week, LinkedIn said it was scrapping its requirement for employees to come into the office 50% of the time, making room for more remote roles. It was a remarkable sight: some of the world’s largest and most powerful corporations being forced to bow to their employees’ work preferences.

The shift has been so pronounced that it even showed up in a national survey conducted by economists at Stanford, the University of Chicago, and the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México. US workers now report that they’ll be spending 25% of their workdays at home after the pandemic — up from the 20% they were expecting a year ago. In other words, what was already shaping up to be a dramatic shift away from the office now looks like it’s going to be an even bigger revolution than anyone expected.

“The hot labor market is turbocharging working from home, and I think it’s going to have permanent effects,” Nicholas Bloom, a leading expert on work from home who co-runs the survey, told me. “Even if there’s a recession in 2022, two and a half years of this is going to be really hard to unwind.”

Workers versus employers

As offices begin to reopen, it turns out there’s a big gap between what workers want and what their employers want. According to Bloom’s survey, conducted with the economists Steven Davis and Jose Maria Barrero, employees would like to work an average of 2.4 days a week from home. But employers, on average, are pushing for 1.2 days. Among college-educated workers, the employer-employee gap is about half a day — considerably smaller, but still significant.

It would be one thing if employees expressed only a slight preference for working from home. But the survey shows that they feel strongly about it. In June, Bloom and his coauthors asked people who are currently working at least one day a week at home what they would do if their employer called everyone back into the office five days a week. Six percent said they would quit on the spot, and 36% said they would begin looking for another job. Among those who were employed, 60% said they’d be more likely to consider a new job if it allowed them to work from home four to five days a week. At this point, working from home is so important that respondents valued it as equivalent to a 7% salary increase.

Given the current job market, employees have the upper hand in the war over remote work. Before the pandemic, there just weren’t that many businesses allowing people to work from home. Now, many are. In finance, for all the JPMorgans and Goldman Sachses that are calling their staffs back to the office full time, there are banks like HSBC and Citigroup that have promised hybrid schedules. In tech, which has embraced working from home more than any other industry, hybrid has become the dominant model — usually three days a week in the office and two days at home. Amazon, which appeared to be the lone tech giant that tried to insist on full-time office work, didn’t stand a chance: Oracle and Facebook reportedly pounced on Amazon’s employees as soon as the company announced its “office-centric” mandate.

With so many employees voting with their feet, companies are rushing to offer even more remote days. Google, which had initially informed staffers that they should expect to come into the office three days a week, has agreed to let 20% of employees work remotely. Uber switched from a mandatory three days a week in the office to as many as 50% of workdays at home. And employees at Apple, which has made Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays required office days, have petitioned CEO Tim Cook — twice — for more options, including a one-year pilot of full-time remote work. “Many of us feel we have to choose between either a combination of our families, our well-being, and being empowered to do our best work, or being a part of Apple,” the employees wrote.

Workers’ preferences are all over the place. Among those who can do their jobs from home, Bloom’s survey shows that just under half prefer a hybrid schedule, while 32% want to be fully remote and 22% want to go into the office all the time. The best way for companies to satisfy all these disparate expectations would be to let employees set their own schedules. So far, though, models that offer complete flexibility are pretty rare among large employers. A different survey that Bloom co-runs found that fewer than 10% of companies with more than 250 employees allowed employees to choose their own schedules.

But the push for total flexibility is picking up steam. Spotify, Twitter, and Atlassian were among the earliest to let their staffs adopt whatever combination of office and remote work they preferred. Then, in June, Facebook announced that its 60,000 employees could request a schedule of their choosing. Those who aren’t approved will still be allowed to work at home up to 50% of the time. (An executive told The Wall Street Journal that so far the company had approved 90% of remote-work requests.)

Others are following suit. Last week, LinkedIn moved away from the guidance of its parent company, Microsoft, which said employees should expect to spend half their time in the office, and embraced “flexibility with both hybrid and remote roles.” On the same day, Cisco announced that its more than 75,000 workers wouldn’t have to return to the office if they didn’t want to. In internal surveys, 77% of Cisco’s employees said they wanted to work from home at least three days a week.

I asked Dominic Price, who holds the title of “work futurist” at the collaboration-software maker Atlassian, why he thinks his company will fare better than those ordering their employees back to the office. “I fear for what they’ll be doing to their organizations,” he told me. “I feel sorry for some of these leaders, because they’ve grown up in a system where line of sight equals productivity equals output. They’re missing a trick on access to talent. They’re missing a trick on meaningful work. They’re missing a trick on diversity and inclusion.”

‘Lord of the Flies’ at work

Bloom agrees that the employers hanging on to the full-time office model are bound to become less diverse. College-educated women with young children, for example, prefer to work from home far more than their male counterparts. But Bloom also thinks that the opposite approach — letting employees work however they want, whenever they want — is a bad idea. He has three main warnings. Complete flexibility will lead to a waste of office space, because no one will come in on Mondays and Fridays. It won’t guarantee employees time with their teammates, which will negate the entire point of bringing people into the office. And most important, it risks what Bloom calls “the great unraveling problem.”

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon crossing his arms in front of a JPMorgan sign
Some CEOs, like Jamie Dimon at JPMorgan, have ordered employees back to the office. But facing a mass exodus, many companies are being forced to backtrack on their demands.
Michel Euler/Pool/Reuters

Imagine a hypothetical workplace (or perhaps your own) where most people want to work in the office for part of the week and at home for part of the week. “You give people choice, and they initially think it’s great,” Bloom said. “But then they realize, ‘Hey, wait, Jimmy’s coming in every day. I’m going to fall behind Jimmy. I better come in too.’ And the whole thing collapses, with everyone coming in. It’s like ‘Lord of the Flies’ in the workplace.”

In a scenario like that, no one gets what they want. Bloom’s research has shown the importance of getting face time with your bosses: In one study at a Chinese travel agency, remote employees ended up getting promoted far less than their office-bound counterparts.

Does that mean companies adopting flexible plans are doomed to satisfy no one by trying to satisfy everyone? On this point, I’m a little more of an optimist than Bloom (though, as a remote worker myself, I’m also biased, because I’m benefiting from the very freedom he’s advising against). In a recent story, I argued that remote work doesn’t have to be lonely and exhausting if companies design the right countermeasures. Similarly, I think we might be able to prevent Bloom’s “great unraveling” — but only if we acknowledge the risks of flexibility and come up with ways to guard against the drawbacks.

Consider what Atlassian did when it acquired Trello, a remote-friendly company, in 2017. Atlassian’s employees ended up adopting one of Trello’s traditions: making it a practice for everyone to dial into a meeting, even if some are physically together, as long as even one person is joining remotely. That way, everyone is on a level playing field when it comes to participation.

Post-COVID, about 70% of Atlassian employees say they only want to come into the office for part of the week, while the rest are evenly split between preferring full-time in the office and full-time at home. Price assured me he’s well aware of the risk that in a workplace where everyone can choose their own schedule, the office becomes “a premium location,” with everyone else relegated to a “second-class citizen.” He also admitted to being “nowhere near” figuring it out. “We’re still experimenting our way through this,” he told me. But that hasn’t stopped Atlassian from letting its workers choose: “We still believe it’s the right thing to do.”

These days, companies are finding themselves with no choice but to figure it out. With the competition for workers this fierce, businesses will become increasingly desperate to lure and retain workers — and that will mean drastically changing the way their employees work, even if stuck-in-the-past executives initially resist it. Companies like JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs may be able to offer salaries big enough to offset the inconvenience of coming into the office (though some entry-level professionals are turning down six-figure offers for office-only jobs). But most employers will probably have to offer more days from home — or accept that they’ll lose a big chunk of their staff.

In May, in the same interview in which he railed against remote work, Dimon also offered this post-COVID workplace prediction: “I just don’t think the world’s going to be that dramatically different.” Inside JPMorgan’s headquarters in Manhattan, that may turn out to be true: a sea of suits shoulder to shoulder every day, as if the pandemic never happened. But for a good share of the college-educated workforce, the future of work will probably look even more different than we’re prepared for it to be.

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