Work From Home Could End Wall Street Dealmaking Myth. That’s Good for the Economy. – Business Insider - Freelance Prospector


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domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2021

Work From Home Could End Wall Street Dealmaking Myth. That’s Good for the Economy. – Business Insider

  • Leaders in finance want workers back in offices
  • Many claim that working from home will get in the way of doing business, especially at the commanding heights of dealmaking.
  • But if work from home does puncture the myth of the dealmaker with the corner office, would that be so bad?
  • Alex Yablon is a Contributing Opinion Writer for Insider.
  • This is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed are those of the author.

As the delta variant of COVID-19 forestalls the long awaited return of life and work as we know it, a palpable anxiety about the persistence of remote work is brewing among the Wall Street, top-of-the-financial establishment types. It’s not just that these dealmakers are concerned workers may be somewhat less productive at home, or new video conference technology will present new headaches. No, the rise of remote work seems to pose a threat to a core of their business — dealmaking — and their idea that the dealmaking they do is at the heart of our economy.

In reality, there’s no evidence — besides vague assertions — that the pandemic experiment with mass work from home has slowed down finance and deal making. But even if remote work does kill the art of the deal, the end of the cult of the dealmakers would be a good thing for the economy, American workers, and even many of Wall Street’s own employees.

Lions of finance miss their perch at Pride Rock

In a recent New York Times guest essay, finance reporter and former investment banker William Cohan argued that young bankers working from home risk losing out on the “apprenticeship” quality of working in-person alongside legendary dealmakers. He even compared the craft of investment banking to “the Florentine guilds of the Renaissance, in which the subtleties and intricacies of art and science were absorbed over many years through careful observation.” 

Only by mastering the interpersonal habits and theatrical flourishes cultivated by legendary figures like Felix Rohatyn could investment bankers, elite lawyers, and corporate executives adequately marshal the productive force of global capitalism.

Elsewhere, top finance executives have been amongst the most aggressive in their calls to get employees back into offices. Goldman Sachs’ CEO David Solomon called his firm’s pandemic remote working an “aberration.” In an all-company memo he and other executives sent this summer, Solomon said workers at home missed out on the spirit of collaboration, innovation, and apprenticeship (there’s that word again). Morgan Stanley chief James Gorman said he’d be “very disappointed” if there were any delays resuming normal office operations in September. Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan said of work from home, “It does not work for younger people. It doesn’t work for those who want to hustle. It doesn’t work in terms of spontaneous idea generation.”

One notices a pattern in the Wall Street warnings against work from home. They all focus on the loss of something intangible: hustle, spontaneity, boardroom repartee. One suspects what the likes of Dimon, Gorman, Solomon and Cohan are really worried about is not so much a threat to business and the economy. Rather they are wary of losing the social status and validation that came from a business culture that valorized the titans of finance and elevated their dealings to the pinnacle of our economic system.

Work From home works just fine for doing deals

But, before we get to the larger culture questions, it’s important to note that based on the actual evidence, the argument that dealmaking can’t be done in a work from home setting doesn’t make much sense. In fact, the pandemic has actually been a gangbusters season for the financial sector, and mergers and acquisitions in particular.

According to data from Refinitiv, American merger and acquisition volume in 2021 broke $2.1 trillion by early August, already exceeding the typical average annual total of $1.8 trillion for the years 2016 to 2020. Analysts at Ernst & Young predict the surge in global M&A to persist for anywhere between 18 months and two years. 

Clearly, the dealmaking industrial complex can run without armies of elite financial service professionals crammed into offices. People can apparently haggle over companies and jockey for position just fine over Zoom . A little over a year ago, many economists predicted we were on the verge of a new Great Depression. But today the whole financial sector is swimming in cash and despite the delta variant’s drag on the real economy, the party doesn’t look like it’s going to end for Wall Street any time soon.

Theoretically, that should be great news for bankers and the business writers who valorize them: the sector proved adaptable under unprecedented circumstances, and can probably save money on pricey office space.

The problem is that the pandemic and work from home has demystified the whole affair. It doesn’t take some kind of aristocratic refinement, deep craft, or, as Cohan described it, “alpha male mind games” to make a mint convincing one company to buy another. Instead, the deal machine runs on easy financing, regulatory arbitrage, and the economy at large. 

For example, many analysts attribute the current surge in deal activity to the fact that a lot of potential buyers, sellers and financial service providers expect the Biden administration to raise their taxes, and they want to do their deals before the law changes. In other words, the art of the deal doesn’t depend on the way some finance executive carries himself in a high stakes in-person negotiation, as Cohan would have it. Rather, the dealmaking powering the current M&A craze depends primarily on a confluence of policy factors and larger macroeconomic trends.

Once that’s clear, it becomes harder to believe the line that work from home won’t work  coming from the elite executives and financiers who oversee this system and reap most of its rewards.

Most deals are bad deals

So deals don’t seem to be slowing down, but let’s for the sake of argument accept the premise that long-term work from home could materially slow down the number of deals done. Would that be such a bad thing?

Decades of research have shown that the vast majority of mergers and acquisitions fail. As business professor Nuno Fernandes wrote for the Harvard Law School Forum of Corporate Governance on the eve of the pandemic’s historic deal boom, “most mergers and acquisitions fail to generate the anticipated synergies—and many actually destroy value instead of creating it. In other words, a significant percentage of M&As cause 2 + 2 to equal 3 instead of 5.”

We’ve known this for a very long time. A major study of over 12,000 transactions published way back in 2003 found that corporate takeovers by big firms “destroyed $226 billion of shareholder wealth over 20 years.” 

Mergers are often pitched to potential buyers as shortcuts to growth and market share. But as corporate consultants Alan Lewis and Dan McKone wrote in the Harvard Business Review, the surest route to skyrocketing corporate growth is also the hard one: using one’s existing assets to create new products customers actually want to buy. Sometimes mergers can work out if they are part of a clear strategy to create a new product, but Lewis and McKone argued that most of these deals are fueled more by C-suite FOMO. Not surprisingly, a 2016 analysis their firm conducted of 2,500 acquisitions found that 60% of these deals destroyed value.

Megamergers typically sour because the big acquirers overpay for targets that don’t actually provide anything useful to the buyer’s business. As Fernandes wrote in his 2019 book “The Value Killers,” it’s precisely the elite bankers now whinging that remote work threatens their craft who ensure that their clients pay sky-high valuations for bad deals. That’s because the financial services industry is “always on the side of the deal, not the company’s side.” The “legends” who awed a young Cohan make their nut in fees they can charge when deals close, and the bigger the deal valuation, the bigger the fees. Should the larger Frankenstein company struggle, that is of little concern to the mad scientists who concoct these deals in their corner office labs.

So if evidence shows that most mergers fail, the current M&A surge looks very different: it’s likely the prelude to a hangover for most of the companies involved. That’s bad news for shareholders, but more importantly, for the workers who almost always end up on the chopping block after the deals close. When mergers inevitably disappoint, the combined company isn’t going to create many new jobs (outside of those for consultants). And debt incurred to complete the purchase leads to even more layoffs. Rarely do shareholders and workers share such a clear interest.

That’s not to mention the notorious workplace culture on the Street. Women endure frat boy behavior and rampant harassment from male colleagues, the industry employs scandalously few racial minorities, and senior leadership — those insisting that the “apprenticeship model” necessitates a return to the office — are overwhelmingly white men who have long tolerated such bias. 

And that vaunted apprenticeship model is more like hazing: as documented in Kevin Roose’s book Young Money about the Ivy League-to-Finance pipeline, new employees are kept in the office for ungodly long hours not because they’re cooking up great ideas and learning from the greats. Rather, they get paid big bucks to work 80 or 90 hours a week because they need to be available at any given moment to tweak a spreadsheet or put together a powerpoint slide for pitch meetings that may never happen, with the understanding that if they suffer long enough, they’ll be able to dump their drudgery on the next generation. Who besides those at the commanding heights of finance wants to return to this broken culture?

Work from home or not, dispense with the dealmaking myth

But even if Wall Street does get back to offices and young bankers start sitting in on these deal meetings once again, ending the corporate culture that valorizes elite investment bankers who use in-person corporate culture to create a self-serving mystique would be beneficial for the companies getting roped into these terrible deals, their workers, and our economy. And even in the financial world, anything that could trigger a deep reevaluation of the toxic “masters of the universe” culture or at least disrupt it would be a good thing. 

The pandemic cramped those top dealmakers’ theatrical style, if not their bottom line. With the mandatory personal distance of the Zoom era, perhaps non-financial executives, the media, and the country writ large can begin to see that these financiers who maintain their hold on the American economy through clever “art of the deal” tricks are more like the Wizard of Oz, a little man hiding behind the curtain.

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