Work-from-home isn’t as good and other commentary – New York Post - Freelance Prospector


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miércoles, 28 de julio de 2021

Work-from-home isn’t as good and other commentary – New York Post

Lawyer: Work-From-Home Isn’t as Good

His Houston law firm opted largely against remote work this last year, John Zavitsanos brags at the New York Times, and it “paid off. In 2020, our revenue grew by 39 percent, but not because we cut costs. … We never cut staff members or salaries. … Instead, we hired eight new lawyers and picked up 75 clients.” Fact is, “in a remote-work setting, we never matched the team creativity and production we had taken for granted at our office”; Zoom “was just no comparison” to in-person contact. They took precautions and made exceptions, and “our people said they were largely delighted to be back.” His advice: Don’t “adopt a better-safe-than-sorry mentality without balancing the pros and cons.”

Pandemic journal: Unions’ Vax/Mask Hypocrisy

At RealClearInvestigations, Steve Miller points out the hypocrisy of flight attendant and teacher unions, which are “ardent enforcers of mask mandates for the public but do not require their members to get vaccinated.” The “Association of Flight Attendants continues to urge federal authorities to allow” its members “to police passengers for masking” but has “struck an agreement” with United “to allow unvaccinated members to fly”; American Airlines and Southwest also don’t require their unionized attendants to get jabbed. And the American Federation of Teachers won’t demand “its members be vaccinated, but it insists on masks” for schoolchildren, “despite their low vulnerability to infection.” The unions have it backward: Vaccination “is widely acknowledged as the most effective measure in stopping the spread of the highly infectious new Delta variant,” while many experts “are highly skeptical” of masking’s “effectiveness and critical of its inconvenience.”

Conservative: Critical Missing-Dad Theory

“America’s crime problem is a father problem,” declares Mary Eberstadt at Spectator World. “This is one of our country’s deepest and most ­denied family secrets.” The social-science data prove it. As the Minnesota Psychological Association summarized recently, “Family structure and the lack of paternal involvement are predictive of juvenile delinquency. The more opportunities a child has to interact with his or her biological father, the less likely he or she is to commit a crime or have contact with the juvenile justice system.” And no, it isn’t just black kids suffering ­absentee fathers. Observes Eberstadt: “Today, the percentage of white children who are also being raised without two married parents is higher than the one that the Moynihan Report worried over for blacks” in 1965. Yet liberal media continue their attempt to delink the fatherhood crisis from the criminality crisis. We can’t “bear the truth.”

Hill watch: Blowing Up GOP’s Reason To Deal

Sen Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) recently said of the chances for his party’s $3.5 trillion social spending bill that “if the bipartisan infrastructure bill falls apart, everything falls apart” — and that made it clear that “any Republican who votes for the bipartisan charade is greasing the wheels for Democrats to ram through their entire agenda,” warns National Review’s Philip Klein. GOP supporters of the negotiations claim they’re key to stopping the liberal wish-list measure, when in fact failure would mean progressive Democrats combine all the spending and “moderates will have to consider swallowing a massive $4.1 trillion bill.”

Iconoclast: In Defense of Mr. and Ms.

“Professional titles confer too much undeserved authority in an ­increasingly egalitarian world,” argues Bloomberg Opinion’s Tyler Cowen. “Why, for instance, should I be called ‘Professor Cowen,’ but few people would address the person fixing their toilet as ‘Plumber Jones’?” We’re “giving some professionals too much status automatically,” while “relegating” others “to lower-status jobs.” Doctors are “de facto titled ­nobility in America,” and giving them “this unique authority status” makes “it easier for them to oversell us medical care.” Military titles, though, are “fine and indeed necessary. The whole point of a chain of command is to establish authority relationships, but that practical reality should give us pause about the use of professional titles elsewhere.”

— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

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